Mission Without Borders is an International Christian organisation dedicated to serving the spiritual, emotional, educational and material needs of those suffering the effects of poverty or persecution. By involving those we serve, we recognise the dignity of the individual and help build capacity for self-sufficiency.
Abandonment, loneliness, lack of affection, low self-esteem are emotional problems that many children in Eastern Europe face. They lack family and friends, so a holiday, a celebration or a gift is something they don’t usually experience.
Although school administration and staff try to meet children’s needs, they cannot offer individual attention and love as provided by families.
Mission Without Borders’ objectives are sufficient warm clothing and boots for each child-essentials for the long, icy northern winters – as well as the basics of sheets, blankets, food, medicines and hygiene products. Steady improvements to physical environment – such as upgrading of heating systems, kitchen and ablutions – help instil a sense of belonging and enhance the children’s quality of life. Attention is also given to the emotional environment: counselling provides communication and problem-solving opportunities, while vocational and spiritual guidance are also available.
Mission Without Border’s Child Rescue International programme was established in 1990 in response to requests from our contact network in Eastern Europe, who reported on the appalling conditions in institutions. While children’s homes are not administered by Mission Without Border, resources are supplemented with material, emotional and spiritual assistance. Over the past few years, much has been done on both the practical and emotional levels to improve the lives of institutionalised children. In addition to providing clothing and shoes, nutritional supplements, toys, food parcels and hygiene products, heating systems have been upgraded and kitchens renovated.
Every sponsor is paired with an individual child and sponsors, who provide monthly financial assistance, are encouraged to communicate by letter and photographs with the children they are supporting. Every effort is made to enhance each child’s personal dignity, self confidence and a sense of belonging, and to offer them real hope for the future. All children are offered Christian input and Bibles, and for those interested, a three year Bible Correspondence Course. Children living at home with their own families in conditions of dire poverty are also supported by Mission Without Borders. Sponsors are also able to visit their sponsored child should they wish to do so.
We at Garsfontein Swim School have adopted three children in Romania. Should you want more information regarding these children, or other children that are involved in similar programs in Romania, Ukraine, Moldova, Albania, Bulgaria or Bosnia-Herzegovina, we will gladly inform you accordingly.
You too could make a difference in a child’s life. Should you feel that you want to become involved, please do not hesitate to contact us at